my story
I graduated with BA. LLB from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1978. After completing articles of clerkship at Deneys Reitz Attorneys in Johannesburg in 1979 I spent 3 years travelling around the world before returning to Deneys Reitz for 2 years doing commercial insurance litigation.
In 1984 I commenced articles at Parker & Parker in Perth and between 1986 and 1988 I was a senior associate at that firm in the area of commercial litigation. Thereafter and with a view to going to the Bar in Perth I spent two years as in-house counsel at Godfrey Virtue doing commercial litigation. I commenced practice as a barrister at Francis Burt Chambers in January 1990 and continued practice in the area of commercial litigation there for the next 25 years.
In January 2015 I set up private practice as a barrister and solicitor and commercial litigation consultant and mediator.